This is for all those kids out there who have ever been bullied because of their hair...
I have been teased throughout my entire life about my hair colour, the same hair colour that has earned me the most compliments i have ever gotten.
It is causing me whiplash. is ginger hair that bad? i certainly do not think so! it is beautiful.
we can take jokes but saying we don't have souls or create a kick a ginger day is just plain heartless.
i was on this event called hug a ginger day and a jerk actually commented that he wont hug a ginger because he will the get AIDS, first of all if you are stupid enough to think you will get AIDS from hugging then you are an idiot but to say that is just mean!
we are human, we not teasing you all day, why do that to us?
second of all, why call us ginger? the Ginger colour is not even close to the colour of our hair. i mean seriously are you blind?
Red hair is so beautiful and unique, why bully people into changing their hair? in the Netherlands there is a day actually celebrating red hair, they accept it. someday i hope the whole world can be like them. (especially those kids that bullied me two years ago about it). some of the most beautiful celebrities have red hair like Christopher Drew and Emma Stone who isn't even a natural redhead!